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Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 02/12/2007
Lenox Historical Commission
February 12, 2007, 7:00 p.m.
Lenox Academy, 2nd Floor


Commissioners present: Joan Mears, Lavinia Meeks, Suzanne Pelton
Absent without notification: George Jordan

The meeting was called to order at 7:00.  The minutes of the January 8 meeting were approved as presented.


Demolition Delay Bylaw – Suzanne met with Joellyn Warren to iron out details and we now almost have a Demolition Delay Bylaw. We will investigate the pros and cons of working through Planning. More at next month’s meeting.

Town Cemetery Restoration –Lavinia talked to Regina Rouse, a member of the historical committee of the South Williamstown Community Assn – she is willing to share application information with Suzanne for MA Historical Commission Preservation Project Fund Grant. Deadline is 2-20-07. Suzanne will pursue writing the application.

Westinghouse Streetlights Restoration – Suzanne will present rationale for installation of new Westinghouse lights instead of generic Victorian lights at next Select meeting, Feb 14.

Winstanley Development – A letter stating our position about new Winstanley development being compatible with the historic fabric of our village should go to Historic District Commission before or when Winstanley presents to them. It was moved, seconded and passed unanimously that Suzanne will write and deliver the letter on behalf of the LHC.

Annual Report of Historical Commission was written and filed with Town Clerk by Suzanne by Jan 31 deadline.


CPA Representative  -  Moved by Joan, seconded by Lavinia for Suzanne to be representative to Community Preservation Board which is mandated by law to have a rep from Historical Commission. Passed unanimously.

LHC Web Site – Suzanne created an e-account for the LHC:
Who would like to manage it when we get our page on Town Web site?

Meeting adjourned at 8:07.

The next three meetings are April 9, May 8 and June 11  at 7 p.m.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Suzanne W. Pelton